Parkinson Canada’s Action Plan for COVID-19

The safety, health and well-being of our Parkinson community across Canada are of utmost importance to Parkinson Canada and we continue to monitor developments.

During this global outbreak of COVID-19 (also known as coronavirus), we are implementing proactive ways to help manage the risk and reduce potential spread of this disease to those most vulnerable.

Until further notice, in-person support group meetings will not be held. We will make alternate arrangements using telephone/technology to provide information and support. Please contact your local support group leader or visit this webpage for more information and updates about events near you.  Additional decisions to cancel public meetings and events may be posted, as we evaluate the risks for you and our community.

Here are some actions we recommend for you and others living with Parkinson’s disease:

  • Check your medications. Take inventory. Contact your pharmacist to refill prescriptions that are running low. Many pharmacies offer a delivery service. Be sure to request refills ahead of time to ensure sufficient time for delivery.
  • Talk to your doctor about the pneumonia vaccine. Seniors (60+) are most at risk to develop COVID-19 symptoms that can lead to the development of pneumonia.
  • Review Parkinson Canada’s ACT on Time™ program and resources in the event you need to educate a health care professional about your Parkinson’s needs. If you become hospitalized, refer to the resource about Managing Parkinson’s Disease in Healthcare Settings
  • Depression and anxiety are normal symptoms for people with Parkinson’s. Read our information sheet about Coping with Depression and Anxiety
  • If you are a care partner, read our Care Partnering book online
  • Keep your Health Card handy. Keep it with you at all times.
  • Questions about Parkinson’s disease? Call our Information and Referral line at 1 800 565 3000

To protect yourself from COVID-19, the Government of Canada recommends you take the following precautions:

  • Wash your hands regularly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds; use alcohol-based sanitizer if soap and water are not available
  • Cough or sneeze into a tissue or the bend of your arm; dispose of any used tissues in a lined wastebasket and wash your hands
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands
  • Clean high-touch surfaces frequently with regular household cleaners or diluted bleach (1 part bleach to 9 parts water)
  • Avoid large crowds of people

Masks are not recommended for healthy individuals in preventing the spread of COVID-19. For more details and updates, visit the Government of Canada website.

Please note that Parkinson Canada takes guidance on health matters from our federal, provincial and local health authorities, including our partners at local Public Health (such as Toronto Public Health, Ottawa Public Health, etc.), as well as the World Health Organization. We encourage you to follow the facts and refer to official sources for the latest updates on Novel Coronavirus – COVID-19.

Follow us on Facebook or on our website for further updates on events calendar changes

For resources to help you remain active at home, visit Connexion regularly as we add more content daily, in English and in French.