Welcome to our first electronic edition of Parkinson Post.
We’re delighted to launch this new format on the 10th anniversary of Parkinson Post and hope that you will share in our excitement in being able to reach more members of the Parkinson’s community.
Modern times call for new ways of connecting with people and that’s what communications is all about, so it’s fitting that this issue is devoted to exploring communications and its importance to Parkinson’s disease. We begin with a first person account of how one man is fighting voice deterioration and end with a look at what’s new in Parkinson’s medications.
Thanks to our loyal Parkinson Post subscribers who donated the remainder of their magazine subscription dollars to a one-time Parkinson Post graduate student fellowship in research. Your generosity helped us raise $17,000.
As always, send in your comments and ideas to keep the dialogue going. You can reach me at editor@parkinson.ca.
All the best of the season.
Marjie Zacks