Message from the editor

Welcome to the latest edition of E Parkinson Post!

We kick-off this issue with a focus on non-motor precursors of Parkinson’s. Research is showing increasingly that the non-motor symptoms can be just as debilitating for people with Parkinson’s and can have severe impacts on quality of life. We bring you up to date on some recently-published research on depression and REM sleep behaviour disorder and an ongoing Canadian study of loss of smell in Parkinson’s.

Since April is Parkinson’s Awareness Month, in this issue, you will also find out about the advocacy program outreach that coincides with the national advertising campaign we’re running on television and in print for a second year, under the themes: Nothing’s easy when your body turns against you. Everything’s harder when your body turns against you. You will see the posters, billboards and media stories of people living with Parkinson’s in your area some time soon. As well, you will find our new Progression of Parkinson’s disease Information Sheet along with our most recent Clinical Fellowship recipients.

Several stories in this issue link to our web site which has been revamped with a special April Welcome page, a new Creative Expressions section and the PSC Advocacy Café. And online registration is now open for SuperWalk for Parkinson’s 2009.

Comments, questions and story ideas are always welcome. You can send them to

We hope you enjoy this issue.

Marjie Zacks
