Message from the Editor

Welcome to the summer edition of e-Parkinson Post.

It has been an exciting couple of months. We had a very successful Parkinson’s Awareness Month, with many of you joining us in activities such as education sessions, lectures, tulip sales and the opening of the Toronto Stock Exchange, where we raised awareness among the corporate sector.

The Movement Disorder Society brought over 3,000 neurologists, researchers and other healthcare professionals from around the globe to Toronto, in June, to discuss the latest research findings and new directions in treatment at the 15th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders.

The influx of professionals with an interest in Parkinson’s to the city meant that we enjoyed the largest turnout to the 8th Donald Calne Lecture where Judy Hazlett gave a very moving introduction showing us the human side of Dr. Stanley Fahn, this year’s Donald Calne Lectureship Award recipient. Judy’s words underscore the fact that we are in the business of caring about people with Parkinson’s. That’s why we exist. The fact that there was a packed house for the Lecture showed just how keen people with Parkinson’s and their care partners are to learn more about Parkinson’s.

You might enjoy reading Judy Hazlett’s introduction to Dr. Fahn and an article on Dr. Fahn’s presentation on misperceptions and mistakes in the treatment of Parkinson’s. (The full presentation will be available at in mid-July or you may order your own copy of the DVD on request

Also in this issue we bring you up to date on Canadian research in Parkinson’s, including three clinical trials seeking participants in cities across Canada. Read about changes to Sinemet and Levocarb. Find out what the National Advocacy Committee is doing to enhance the lives of Canadians with Parkinson’s and caregivers.

Watch for the September issue of e-Parkinson Post where we will announce the research grant awards for this year.

If you haven’t registered yet for Parkinson SuperWalk, you can register online Please come out and walk for yourself, a family member or friend. Or sponsor someone who is walking. We need your support.

Send us your comments about individual articles and the publication, as a whole. Let us know if there is anything you would like to see included in future issues.

Have a safe and happy summer.

Marjie Zacks