Message from the editor

We’re thrilled to announce that the Canadian Guidelines on Parkinson’s Disease are finally here! This is a landmark achievement. It will mean so much to Canadians with Parkinson’s, knowing that whether you attend a movement disorder clinic in a large urban centre or a family practice in a smaller community, the same standards will apply for diagnosing and treating Parkinson’s across Canada. Parkinson Society Canada is undertaking a major information campaign to ensure that the guidelines are distributed as widely as possible to neurologists, family physicians and allied health care professionals.

In this issue, we bring you up to date on the good work that has been happening on Parliament Hill with members of the Parkinson’s community making presentations to parliamentary committee hearings.

October is going to be a busy month. We invite you to mark your calendars now for the prestigious Donald Calne Lecture which will take place in Vancouver, in October 2012. In October 2013, we hope to see you at the World Parkinson Congress in Montreal.

We congratulate the Early Bird Winners for Parkinson SuperWalk 2012. Online registration is open. If you haven’t registered yet, find a walk near you and register now at

We want to know what you think about the newsletter and articles. Please leave a note in the Comments section. Your feedback will make this publication better. Don’t forget to pass along the link to someone you know so that they may enjoy it too.

Marjie Zacks