Become a Parkinson’s Ambassador in your riding

Joyce Barretto
Joyce Barretto
Do you want to make a difference in the lives of Canadians affected by Parkinson’s disease? Do you feel that there are issues and concerns that are going unheard by government and policy makers? If you answered yes to either of these questions, you should consider joining our Parkinson’s Ambassador Network and help end this silence.

“If you have that personal connection, be it a family member or friend, I invite you to make a difference in the lives of Canadians with Parkinson’s,” says Joyce Barretto, Chair of Parkinson Society Canada’s National Advocacy Committee.

Barretto’s deep commitment to the cause comes from her mother, who has been living with Parkinson’s for more than 18 years.

As a representative of the Parkinson’s community, you will meet with your local MP to discuss issues impacting the Parkinson’s community, in advance of the 2015 federal election and beyond. You will be a vital part of our Ambassador Network, made up of dedicated volunteers doing the same thing in ridings across the country.

Who are we looking for?

  • People with passion
  • People living with Parkinson’s and their caregivers
  • Relatives, friends and acquaintances affected by the disease
  • Those who are comfortable with public speaking and meeting with elected officials, hopeful candidates and other key community members
  • People who have some advocacy experience – though not required, would be a strong asset

Parkinson Society Canada provides training and support to Ambassadors, to ensure that they are fully prepared for the election campaign. Parkinson’s Ambassadors will also have opportunities to participate in other national and/or provincial advocacy initiatives beyond the 2015 federal election.

“I invite you to be a voice for change and a champion in your community to get our Parkinson’s message heard,” encourages Barretto.

If you are interested in being a Parkinson’s Ambassador or have further questions about this exciting opportunity, please contact Justin Manuel, Coordinator, Public Affairs and National Programs, by email at or by phone at 1-800-565-3000, extension 3478. For more information on the Parkinson’s Ambassador Network, as well as our other advocacy initiatives, please visit our website.